13 Features to Look for in a Hiking Backpack

A memorable hiking journey requires careful consideration of the gear you carry, with the hiking backpack standing out as a pivotal element in your outdoor arsenal.

The quest for the perfect hiking backpack involves navigating a plethora of features, each crucial to ensuring a comfortable and efficient adventure.

From the backpack’s capacity and fit to its weight, ventilation, and weather resistance, the selection process is multifaceted.

A well-chosen hiking backpack becomes not just a vessel for your essentials but a reliable companion on the trail.

In this exploration, we delve into the essential features to look for when choosing a hiking backpack, guiding you toward a selection that aligns seamlessly with your outdoor aspirations.

1. Capacity of a Hiking Backpack

The capacity of a hiking backpack is like its size and is measured in liters.

For short day hikes, you only need a small backpack, about 20-30 liters, to carry things like water and snacks.

But if you’re planning a longer trip that lasts a few days and involves staying overnight, you’ll need a bigger backpack, around 40-60 liters or more.

This larger size is for carrying extra gear like a sleeping bag, tent, and cooking stuff.

Choosing the right size is important because a backpack that’s too big for a short hike might be uncomfortable, and one that’s too small for a longer trip won’t fit all your things.

So, it’s about picking a size that fits the length and type of your hike, making sure you have enough space for everything you need.

Also read: Hiking vs Backpacking: What is the Difference?

2. Comfortable Fit of a Hiking Backpack

Having a comfortable hiking backpack is crucial for an enjoyable outdoor adventure. Look for adjustable straps, like shoulder straps and hip belts, to customize the fit according to your body size.

Ensure the hip belt is padded and sits well on your hips, and choose a backpack with cushioned shoulder straps for added comfort.

Good ventilation, provided by features like mesh panels or air channels, is beneficial, especially in warmer weather.

Check if the backpack has internal frames for even weight distribution and consider trying it with some weight before your hike to ensure it feels right.

Different body types are accommodated by backpacks with various sizes (small, medium, large).

A well-fitted backpack makes your hiking experience more pleasant, whether it’s a short day trip or a longer adventure.

Also read: What Size Backpack to Use for Hiking

3. Weight of a Hiking Backpack

The weight of your hiking backpack is really important for a comfortable hike. If you plan short day trips, go for a lightweight backpack so it doesn’t feel heavy on your shoulders.

Look for backpacks made from materials like ripstop nylon that are strong but not too heavy.

Think about the features the backpack has and whether you need them, as some features can add weight.

Check if the backpack can carry all the stuff you need for your hikes comfortably. It’s a good idea to find the right balance between weight and comfort.

Also, consider the weather where you’re hiking – if it’s colder, you might need a slightly heavier backpack for extra gear.

Everyone has different preferences, so choose a backpack weight that suits what you like and need for your hikes.

Also read: How to Wear a Hiking Backpack

4. Ventilation in a Hiking Backpack

Making sure your hiking backpack lets air flow through is important for a comfortable hike, especially when it’s hot.

Look for a backpack with a back panel that allows air to circulate, like ones with mesh or special channels.

Some backpacks keep the main part away from your back a bit, letting more air in. If the shoulder straps and hip belt also have ventilation, that’s great.

These features help you stay cool and not get too sweaty, making your hike much more enjoyable.

Whether it’s a hot day or a tough trail, good ventilation in your backpack keeps you comfortable all along your hike.

Also read: What is the Difference Between Trekking and Hiking Backpacks

5. Durability of a Hiking Backpack

When picking a hiking backpack, how durable it is matters a lot for your outdoor adventures. This depends on a few things.

First, the material should be strong, like ripstop nylon or polyester, to handle scratches and wear and tear.

Good stitching in important areas, like the shoulder straps, keeps the backpack together under a heavy load.

Some backpacks have features to resist light rain and keep your things dry. The zippers should be sturdy and not get stuck easily.

The bottom part that touches the ground a lot should also be tough.

Whether it’s a short hike or a longer trip, a durable backpack means it lasts longer and stays reliable, giving you confidence on your outdoor journeys.

Also read: How to Attach a Trekking Pole to a Backpack in 7 Steps

6. Weather Resistance of a Hiking Backpack

When choosing a hiking backpack, it’s important to think about how well it can handle different weather conditions.

Look for backpacks with special coatings on the fabric that repel water, like DWR treatments. Some backpacks even have built-in rain covers that you can use when it starts raining suddenly.

Check if the zippers are designed to keep water out, and see if the seams are sealed to stop water from getting in through the stitches.

Materials that wick away moisture are also good because they prevent water from soaking the backpack.

Some backpacks even have special pockets that resist water, which is handy for keeping things like electronics dry.

Thinking about all these features ensures that your backpack keeps your stuff safe and dry, whether it’s a drizzle or an unexpected downpour during your outdoor adventures.

7. Multiple Compartments in a Hiking Backpack

Having many compartments in your hiking backpack is like having different sections to keep your stuff organized.

It’s helpful because you can put things in specific places, like having a spot for your water bottle, snacks, or a first aid kit.

Some backpacks even have a special space at the bottom for your sleeping bag. This way, you can find what you need without digging through everything.

Having quick access pockets is great for things you use a lot, like a map or water bottle.

It’s also handy for longer hikes because you can separate your clothes, food, and camping gear, making it easier to find things without unpacking everything.

The different compartments help balance the weight in your backpack, making it more comfortable to carry.

So, having multiple compartments makes your backpack more organized and makes your hiking experience smoother, whether it’s a short hike or a longer adventure.

8. Compression Straps of a Hiking Backpack

Compression straps on a hiking backpack do two important things: they help keep your gear in place and make sure your backpack is stable while you walk.

When you tighten these straps, it squeezes your stuff together, preventing it from moving around too much. This not only keeps everything balanced but also makes your backpack less bulky.

Tightened straps also help distribute the weight evenly, making it easier to walk on different types of trails.

You can also use these straps to attach extra things, like trekking poles or a sleeping bag, to the outside of your backpack.

When you’re not carrying a lot, you can adjust the straps to make your backpack less big and more streamlined.

These straps are like handy helpers that keep your gear organized and make your hiking experience more comfortable, whether you’re carrying a lot or just a few things.

9. Access Points in a Hiking Backpack

Access points on a hiking backpack are like different doors that help you get to your stuff.

There are a few types: top loading, where you put things in from the top; front or panel loading, where you access your gear from the front; and bottom compartment access for things like a sleeping bag.

Some backpacks also have side access, so you can grab things quickly without unpacking everything.

There’s a special access point for a hydration reservoir, making it easy to refill your water without opening the main part.

The way the zippers are set up can also vary, like having one big zipper or multiple zippers.

These access points make it simple to reach different parts of your backpack, whether you need a snack, your rain jacket, or something from the bottom.

Choosing a backpack with the right access points for you makes it easier to use, depending on the type of hiking you’re doing.

10. Gear Attachment Points in a Hiking Backpack

Imagine your hiking backpack having special spots to attach extra things – these are called gear attachment points, and they make your backpack super useful.

Here’s why they’re cool: there are loops for your trekking poles, so you don’t have to carry them inside; attachments for ice axes, perfect for cold-weather adventures; and daisy chains, like rows of loops, where you can clip on stuff using carabiners.

Some backpacks have little reinforced areas called gear loops and rings to attach small tools. The compression straps that tighten your backpack can also hold extra gear.

For water reservoirs, there are special hangers, and you can even attach your sleeping pad outside using built-in straps.

If you’re into rock climbing or biking, some backpacks even have places to attach your helmet.

These gear attachment points let you carry all sorts of things easily, making your backpack ready for any outdoor activity.

11. Frame Type of a Hiking Backpack

When it comes to the frame of a hiking backpack, there are two main types: internal and external.

Internal frames have their support system inside, made of lightweight materials like aluminum or flexible plastic.

They’re great for a sleek design, keeping the backpack close to your body, which is good for balance and moving around easily.

On the other hand, external frames have support visible on the outside, often made of aluminum.

They create a gap between your back and the backpack, allowing air to flow and reducing back sweat. External frames are stable and good for carrying heavy loads, but they can be bulkier.

Choosing between them depends on your preferences and the kind of hiking you’ll be doing.

Internal frames are better for diverse terrains and moderate to heavy loads, while external frames are stable and great for long hikes with lots of gear, where air circulation matters.

12. Emergency Whistle and Reflectors in a Hiking Backpack

Having an emergency whistle and reflectors on your hiking backpack is all about staying safe.

The emergency whistle, often found on the chest strap, is a small but powerful tool that makes a loud sound.

It’s essential for signaling for help if you’re in trouble or lost. Reflectors are like shiny parts on the backpack that reflect light, making you more visible in low-light situations or when it’s getting dark.

These two things together make you safer outdoors. The whistle is for making noise if you need help, and the reflectors make sure others can see you.

It’s not just a good idea for safety; in some places, it’s a rule to have them on your backpack when you’re out hiking.

13. Price and Brand Reputation of a Hiking Backpack

When choosing a hiking backpack, it’s smart to think about the price and the reputation of the brand. The cost of a backpack often tells you about its quality and how long it might last.

While there are cheaper options, spending a bit more on a backpack from a brand people trust can mean better durability and features.

Well-known brands usually have a history of making good outdoor gear, and their backpacks might come with better warranty options and customer support.

Also, they might have special features for specific activities. Before buying, it’s helpful to compare different brands, read reviews, and make sure the backpack fits your needs.

Remember, thinking of a backpack as a long-term investment can be a good idea, even if it costs a bit more upfront.

It’s about finding the right balance between your budget and getting a backpack that will last and perform well on your hikes.

What are the 2 Types of Backpacks in Hiking?

The two main types of backpacks used in hiking are internal frame backpacks and external frame backpacks.

1. Internal Frame Backpacks:

These backpacks have their support structure built inside, usually made of lightweight materials like aluminum or flexible plastic.

Internal frame backpacks are popular for their streamlined design, keeping the weight closer to your body.

They offer better balance, and maneuverability, and are well-suited for various terrains.

2. External Frame Backpacks:

External frame backpacks have a visible frame on the outside, typically made of aluminum.

This design creates a gap between your back and the backpack, allowing air circulation and reducing back sweat.

External frame backpacks are known for their stability and are suitable for carrying heavier loads.

They provide a more upright posture, making them comfortable for long-distance hikes with substantial gear.

What Size Backpack Should Be for Hiking

The size of the hiking backpack you need depends on various factors, including the duration of your hike, the weather conditions, and the amount of gear you plan to carry.

Here are some general guidelines:

1. Daypack (20-30 liters):

Suitable for short day hikes where you only need essentials like water, snacks, a light jacket, and perhaps a first aid kit.

2. Weekend Pack (30-50 liters):

Ideal for weekend hikes or overnight trips, providing enough space for extra clothing, a sleeping bag, and a small tent.

3. Multiday Pack (50-70 liters):

Suitable for longer trips lasting several days, allowing you to carry additional clothing, food, and larger gear.

4. Extended Trip Pack (70 liters and above):

Designed for extended backpacking trips, such as through-hikes or journeys lasting a week or more. These larger packs accommodate more gear and supplies.

What is the Importance of a Waterproof Backpack for Hiking

A waterproof backpack is important for hiking for several reasons:

1. Protection from Rain and Wet Conditions:

Hiking often exposes you to unpredictable weather conditions, including rain.

A waterproof backpack ensures that your gear, clothing, and other essentials stay dry during unexpected downpours, preventing discomfort and potential health issues associated with wet clothing.

2. Preservation of Electronic Devices and Documents:

Many hikers carry electronic devices such as smartphones, cameras, or GPS devices, along with essential documents like maps.

A waterproof backpack protects these items from water damage, allowing you to navigate, communicate, and document your hike without worrying about electronic failures or ruined documents.

3. Prevention of Mold and Mildew:

Wet gear left in a non-waterproof backpack can lead to the growth of mold and mildew. This not only damages your equipment but also poses health risks.

A waterproof backpack inhibits moisture from penetrating, reducing the likelihood of mold formation and preserving the longevity of your gear.

4. Comfort and Safety:

Carrying wet gear can be heavy and uncomfortable. Additionally, wet clothing can lead to chafing and discomfort during a hike.

A waterproof backpack helps maintain a comfortable weight and ensures that your clothing and gear remain dry, contributing to an overall more pleasant hiking experience.

5. Protection of Food and Essentials:

If you carry food items or other essentials that can be compromised by water, a waterproof backpack becomes essential.

Keeping your supplies dry ensures that you have access to nourishment and critical items throughout your hike.

6. Extended Lifespan of Gear:

Waterproof backpacks not only protect your gear during hikes but also contribute to the overall longevity of your equipment.

Exposure to moisture and water can degrade materials over time, leading to wear and tear.

A waterproof backpack helps maintain the integrity of your gear, ensuring it lasts longer.


To sum it up, when picking a hiking backpack, think about what you need. Check how much stuff it can hold, whether it’s comfortable, and if it has useful features like spots to attach extra gear.

The size and type of the backpack matter, and it’s good to choose one that fits your budget.

Also, consider if it’s from a trusted brand. Think about whether you’ll be hiking in the rain and if you need a backpack that keeps your things dry.

Overall, the right backpack makes your hiking trips more enjoyable and helps you carry what you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What size backpack do I need for a day hike?

Ans: For a day hike, a smaller backpack with a capacity of 20-30 liters is usually sufficient to carry essentials like water, snacks, and a light jacket.

Q2: Are internal or external frame backpacks better for hiking?

Ans: It depends on your preference and the type of hiking you’re doing. Internal frame backpacks are more versatile and suitable for various terrains, while external frame backpacks are stable and ideal for heavy loads.

Q3: How important is waterproofing in a hiking backpack?

Ans: Waterproofing is crucial, especially if you anticipate hiking in wet conditions. It protects your gear from rain and ensures a comfortable experience during unexpected weather changes.

Q4: What features contribute to the comfort of a hiking backpack?

Ans: Features like padded shoulder straps, a hip belt, and proper ventilation enhance the comfort of a hiking backpack, especially during long treks.

Q5: Do all hiking backpacks have hydration reservoir compatibility?

Ans: No, not all backpacks are designed for hydration reservoirs. Check for specific features like a hydration sleeve and tube ports if you plan to use a reservoir.

Q6: What is the significance of gear attachment points in a hiking backpack?

Ans: Gear attachment points, like loops or daisy chains, allow you to secure extra gear externally, increasing the backpack’s versatility and making it suitable for various outdoor activities.

Q7: Are more expensive backpacks always better?

Ans: Not necessarily. While higher-priced backpacks from reputable brands often offer advanced features and durability, the best choice depends on your specific needs and budget.

Q8: Can I use a hiking backpack for travel?

Ans: Yes, many hiking backpacks are suitable for travel due to their durability and organization features. Look for models with lockable zippers and concealable straps for versatility.

Q9: How do I determine the right backpack size for multi-day hikes?

Ans: Consider the duration of your trip and the gear you’ll need. Generally, a backpack with a capacity of 50-70 liters is suitable for multi-day hikes.

Q10: Are there specific features to look for in a winter hiking backpack?

Ans: Yes, for winter hikes, prioritize features like an ice axe attachment, compatibility with snowshoes, and durable materials that withstand cold conditions.

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